I’m passionate about illustration, graphic narrative, and about transforming complex ideas and thought processes into visual language. Graphic narrative is a great way to do science communication and to raise awareness about the role of women in science.
In the past I’ve used the pseudonym E.A. Casanova (why the name? It’s my abuelita‘s name. My second family-name is my abuelito‘s name).
Member of DIMATCHILE (Red Divulgacion Matematicas Chile)
2024 May: Together with Clotilde Fermanian Kammerer and Annalisa Panati, we presented the theater play “Emmy doesn’t care” (Emmy s’en moque) at the 25th Salon Culture et Jeux Mathématiques in Paris. Thanks to everyone who came to see us! If you missed it, there’s a video.
2024 May: I participated in the 25th Salon Culture et Jeux Mathématiques in Paris, in the stand of the Maison de Mathématiques de l’Ouest.
2024 May: I was interviewed by students of College Belcier in an initiative of the Association Les maths en scene! Podcast available here.
2024 March: The comic Alberto Mercado and I did has been published!! “La misteriosa conjetura de Alicia” in Spanish is available to read online here.
April 2023 Exhibition on Emmy Noether, Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, with some of my illustrations made for #Noethember.
March 2023: My new book La gran aventura del conocimiento, written with mathematician Leslie Jimenez Palma will be out on March 1, 2023, published by Editorial Planeta de Libros Chile!!
Jan 2023: The Handbook of Mathematical Science Communication, edited by Anna Maria Hartkopf and Erin Henning, has been published! I contributed a chapter on the use of sketchnotes and social media to communicate maths.
October 2022: Talk at Fete de la Science, CY Cergy Paris Universite, Campus Neuville.
March 2021 Moderator and co-organizer of Panel discussion (ES) “Matemáticas, Género e Ilustración: Mundos paralelos?” organized by Anillo Matemáticas y Género, Chile. Video.
February 2021: Moderator Roundtable on science communication, EUTOPIA, European universities alliance. Video.
January 2021 Presentation in Webinar “Breaking stereotypes”, organized by EU project Our Space our Future. Video.
July 2020 Panel discussion (ES) “¿Qué significa difundir la Ciencia con perspectiva de Género?” organized by Anillo Matemáticas y Género, Chile. Video available here.
August 2020: I contributed 3 illustrations to the exhibition on Jean Perrin organized by the Institut Henri Poincare, in Paris. The exhibtion is on display in the library of the institute. Don’t miss it!

Photo par Camille Cier pour l’IHP
Main collaborations:
- Communications Team of the Anillo Matemáticas y Género Project, Chile (2018-2022).
- Communications Team of Nucleo ACIP, Chile.
- IMAGINARY , MaRDi newsletter and MUSKI project.
- Workpackage 1 of the Human Brain Project (Twitter), 2019-2023. Full Galery of comics here.
- Member of Scientific Committee of the Association Les Maths en Scene.
- Illustrations for Alberto Mercado’s series “Historias que cuentan”, published in Cuaderno de Cultura Cientifica.
Sketchnotes of Science:
#Mathyear is currently being published weekly in the website Images de Mathématiques of the French Research Council (CNRS).
Here is an e-booklet containing part of the drawings for #mathyear.
Noethember: a retrospective, an article at The Aperiodical summarizing the #Noethember initiative (Jan 2019).
Blogging, comics and more
Blog The RAGE of the Blackboard
Portfolio (under pseudonym E.A. Casanova).
March 2023: My portrait of Yulia Zdanovska made the cover of the Notices of the AMS.
September 2022: I recently appeared in an article by Sophia Merow in the Notices of the AMS, on my career path doing maths and illustrations.
2022 I made a portrait of Olga Ladyzhenskaya for the OAL Prize in Mathematical Physics.
I participated in the Twitter Scicomm Ro-Cur Colectivamente (my week here)
Drawings can inspire! Blog arbitrarilyclose on Hitomezashi stitching .
Sept 2020: (video) An interview with mathematicians in “Démosle vuelta, mate con café“ (in Spanish).
June 2020: An interview in Chile’s top digital newspaper El Mostrador (in Spanish).
May 2020: My blog The RAGE of the Blackboard has been reviewed in the blog of the American Mathematical society (AMS).
Contributions to the website Images de Mathématiques of the French Research Council (CNRS).
In November 2018, #Noethember was reviewed in the blog of the American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Interview in the website of the European Women in Mathematics Association (EWM).
2016 was a good year.
Scicomm (Science Communication) CV
A CV of my illustration/scicomm activities.
I’m an award winning artist: