List of prompts for #mathyear

Logo of #mathyear by Marlene Knoche

#mathyear is a drawing challenge of 52 weeks: one drawing per week about a topic related to maths and its interactions. Created by Marlene Knoche (computer scientist and illustrator) and Constanza Rojas-Molina (mathematician and illustrator).

List of prompts

Week Month Prompt
1 January Koch Snowlflake
2 Fractals Sierpinski
3   Benoit Mandelbrot
4   Fractals in Nature
5 February Math and Environment
6 Modelling Math and Time
7   What you love about math
8   Math and Sociology
9 March Cryptography
10 Cryptography Prime numbers
11   Symbols
12   Alan Turing
13   Enigma
14 April Chomsky Hierarchy
15 Language Automata Theory
16   Programming Languages
17   Favourite Formula/Theorem
18 May Math as a Language for Physics
19 Physics History of Physics
20   Favourite Physicist
21   Newtons’s three laws of motion
22   Quantum Mechanics
23 June Geometry
24 Art Golden Ratio
25   Gödel Escher Bach
26   Music
27 July Eclipse
28 Space Infinity
29   Celestial Mechanics
30   Apollo 11
31   Space and Time
32 August Biostatistics
33 Biology Population dynamics
34   Mathematical Neuroscience
35   Bioinformatics
36 September Abel Prize
37 Awards Fields Medal
38   Nevanlinna Prize
39   Turing Award
40 October Maryam Mirzhakhani
41 Women in Math Ada Lovelace
42   Grace Hopper
43   Mary Sommerville
44   Sophie Germain
45 November Göttingen and David Hilbert
46 Noethember Alfred-Ackermann-Teubner Memorial Prize
47   Noetherian Ring
48   Lasker-Noether-Theorem
49 December Millenium Prize Problems
50 Challenges Hilbert’s Problems
51   Fermat’s Last Theorem
52   Favorite Mathyear prompt