
Teaching Statement

My teaching experience spans my academic training in Chile and France, the period as a postdoctoral researcher and later as Assist. Prof. in Germany, and more recently as lecturer at CY Cergy Paris Universite with focus on teaching. Having taught in different countries, different programs and languages, has helped develop my teaching style, where I aim to balance theory with a exercises and real-life applications, as I teach a broad range of subjects covering calculus, analysis, linear algebra, probability theory, among others. I encourage student participation by creating a safe environment for them to ask questions, discuss, and reflect on what we learn together. I emphasize the fact that, as a teacher, I am a facilitator in their learning process and I encourage them to leave the passive learning role undergraduate students have traditionally had, and to see their mathematics training as a valuable tool in their lives, independent of the fact if they pursue a career in mathematics or not. I strive to challenge my students, while being attentive of their individual learning processes, and help them overcome their difficulties with continuous and clear feedback. As a teacher, my goal is to help students internalize mathematical thinking in a way that it extends well beyond the limits of the classroom.

Teaching 2024/25

  • Probability (2nd year Double diplome Ingenieur-Designer)

Previous teaching:


  • Statistics (for Bachelor in Data Science and Double diplome Ingenieur-Designer)
  • Statistics (for Bachelor ACT, ESSEC & CY Cergy Paris Universite)
  • M2 Specialization Course
  • Project on Statistics: Study of mobility in educational institutions in Saint-Germain-en-Laye.


  • Probability 1 & 2 (for Bachelor in Data Science and Double diplome Ingenieur-Designer), iXblue campus.
  • Algebra for Pre-Ing, First year engineering students, CY Tech.
  • Project on Statistics: Study of mobility in iXcampus (collaboration with Campus de la Transition)


  • Applied Mathematics for Data Science (Discrete dynamical systems and Markov chains). 2nd year.
  • Project on Data Visualization (2nd year)
  • Project on Time Series (3d year)
  • Statistics (2nd year)

2020/21 (International Program Bachelor Ygrec (in English))

  • Applied Mathematics for Data Science (Discrete dynamical systems and Markov chains). 2nd year.
  • Series, 2nd year.
  • Project on Data Visualization and Storytelling, 2nd year
  • Project on Introduction to Information Representation, 1st year.
  • Contemporary Issues Module (15h) International Programme Bachelor Ygrec (in English). In collaboration with Annelien Smets (VUB, Belgium) and Martin Gebert (LMU Munich). Topic: Filter Bubbles.


  • Linear Algebra II, International Programme Bachelor Ygrec (in English)
  • Théorie de distributions et EDP, ING2, EISTI (in French).
  • Topology and functional analysis, ING1, EISTI (in French)
  • Contemporary Issues Module (15h) International Programme Bachelor Ygrec (in English). In collaboration with Annelien Smets and Prof. Pieter Ballon, Chair in Smart Cities VUB (Belgium). Topic: Filter Bubbles.

Before 2019

  • University of Düsseldorf, Germany: Stochastic Analysis and Stoch. Processes, Master Programme, (SoSe 2018, SoSe 2019)
  • University of Düsseldorf, Germany: Markov Processes (WiSe 2018/19).
  • University of Bonn, Germany: Assistant to graduate seminars in Probability (Extreme Value Theory, Random Matrices) WiSe 2017/18.
  • University of Bonn, Germany: Assistant to graduate seminars in Analysis (Operator kernel estimates and their applications, The Ubiquity of Gaussian Measures, Random Schrödinger Operators) 2017-2018.
  • University of Cergy-Pontoise, France: teaching assistant (monitrice), Calculus, Variational Methods, C2I-Certification Informatique et Internet, 2008-2012.
  • Universidad de La Serena, Chile (2005-2007) In charge of courses, Department of Mathematics,  (Calculus, Algebra, Functional Analysis, Analysis of Complex Variable).

Mini-courses on Random Schrödinger Operators:

  • November 2024, Laboratoire AGM CY Cergy Paris University, France.
  • June 2024 : University of Texas, 2024 TXST Summer School in Mathematical Physics, USA.
  • June 2023: Summer School Periodic and Ergodic Problems, Montreal, Canada.
  • September 2018: Summer School on Operator Algebras, Spectral Theory and Applications, Tbilisi, Georgia (5h).
  • November 2016: CIMPA School ’Spectral Theory on Graphs and Manifolds’, Kairouan, Tunisia (7.5h).